Arvind Dharmapuri Foundation

CASE 100: Late Shri Kupiryala Anil

Donated: ₹1,00,000/- 
Place: Chandrayanpalle Village (V), Indalwai Mandal (M), Nizamabad (D)
Kupiryala Anil, a booth level member of Nizamabad Rural Constituency, Indalwai Mandal, Chandrayan Palle village, died in an unfortunate road accident recently.
A check of one lakh rupees (1,00,000/-) from Arvind Dharmapuri “Booth Level Members Welfare Fund” was presented to their family members today. Anil is survived by wife Navaneetha, daughter Maithili (8 years) and son Akhira Nandan (5 years).
Also, going to Anil’s house and paying homage to their portrait.