Arvind Dharmapuri Foundation

CASE 101: Child’s Name: Baby Bhaviya sri

Age: 8 years 
Father: K.Raju 
Place: Kanteshwar village, Nizamabad

This girl from Nizamabad district has suffered severe seizures at her place and the doctors at Nizamabad government hospital, where she was initially admitted, have given up on her.Her parents and relatives approached me asking for help in the morning around 11, when I was in my residence at Nizamabad. From Nizamabad itself, I immediately alerted the team in Rainbow and made sure she reached the hospital in time in an Ambulance from Nizamabad to Hyderabad. The doctors, upon initial diagnosis said it could be acute viral encephalitis and further progress can be said after performing few tests in the coming 48hours.The girl is currently on ventilator.Please pray for her recovery.